We offer individualized college consulting services.
To serve each of our student’s unique needs.
FRESHMAN YEAR college consulting services
- Assistance with course selection starting freshman year and organizing prospective coursework through senior year
- Explanation of high school requirements, AP/IB coursework, city college coursework, summer courses and the importance of a student’s curriculum to college admissions
- Review of high school transcripts
- Consultation about preparation for the PSAT and explanation of National Merit Scholar Awards
- Analysis of SAT vs. ACT and creating a test preparation plan
- Discussion about student’s interests and passions and how to pursue them
- Assistance with time management and study skills
- Assessment of student’s high school programs, clubs and opportunities and how to engage in those of interest
- Discussion of athletic recruiting and an explanation of the process
- Summer planning for employment, internships, coursework, contests, hobbies, community service and/or sports competitions
- Ideas for pursuing interests outside of high school
- Start to build college resumé with academics, honors/awards, and extracurricular activities
- Development of a preliminary college list at the end of sophomore year
- Advice about local college visits and development of a plan for traveling college visits during junior year
- Discussion of the importance of “demonstrated interest”
- Consultation about tuition expense, financial aid and scholarships
SOPHOMORE YEAR college consulting services
- Assistance with course selection starting freshman year and organizing prospective coursework through senior year
- Explanation of high school requirements, AP/IB coursework, city college coursework, summer courses and the importance of a student’s curriculum to college admissions
- Review of high school transcripts
- Consultation about preparation for the PSAT and explanation of National Merit Scholar Awards
- Analysis of SAT vs. ACT and creating a test preparation plan
- Discussion about student’s interests and passions and how to pursue them
- Assistance with time management and study skills
- Assessment of student’s high school programs, clubs and opportunities and how to engage in those of interest
- Discussion of athletic recruiting and an explanation of the process
- Summer planning for employment, internships, coursework, contests, hobbies, community service and/or sports competitions
- Ideas for pursuing interests outside of high school
- Start to build college resumé with academics, honors/awards, and extracurricular activities
- Development of a preliminary college list at the end of sophomore year
- Advice about local college visits and development of a plan for traveling college visits during junior year
- Discussion of the importance of “demonstrated interest”
- Consultation about tuition expense, financial aid and scholarships
JUNIOR YEAR college consulting services
- A review of the student’s junior and senior coursework
- A discussion of what coursework is valued by colleges and what is realistically achievable
- Formulation of a testing plan for ACT/SAT and SAT Subject Tests
- Evaluation of SAT, ACT and SAT Subject Test scores and a plan to retake tests if necessary
- Review of transcripts, test scores and extracurricular activities
- Help to create a resumé
- Discussion about developing your relationships with teachers, guidance counselors and who would be best to write recommendations
- Advice on athletic recruiting including sending film and letters to coaches and how to communicate with them
- Discussion of the importance of “demonstrated interest” to colleges and effective ways to express it
- Preliminary discussion and explanation of Early Action, Early Restrictive Action, Early Decision (I, II) and Regular Decision options
- Converse about your academic and extracurricular strengths and how to have them highlighted in your applications
- Help to refine your college application list
- Discussion about local and non-local college planning trips and how to maximize your time during your visits
- Advise about appropriate communication with college admissions officers
- Counseling regarding a college essay plan starting at the end of junior year
- Determination if certain majors at desired colleges require planning in advance
SENIOR YEAR college consulting services
- Finalize application list
- Help in preparation for on-campus and alumni interviews
- Review of test scores to date and determination of further testing senior year
- Create an application strategy of applying early vs. regular decision to your schools
- Brainstorming, organizing and reviewing of essays
- Development of a time line of when essays should be completed and dates that each application will be submitted BEFORE the deadline
- A comprehensive review of each application to be submitted including additional information, resumé and essays
- Ensuring the applications are complete and done to the best of the student’s ability
- Assistance with athletic recruiting communication and follow up with coaches as well as completion of early applications if needed
- Help to evaluate student’s options once college decisions are released
- Counseling on applications for financial aid
- Guidance on how to navigate deferrals and wait lists
Hourly Services
Hourly options are available for college counseling in a specific area for individualized college consulting services.
Comprehensive Packages
The comprehensive packages begin in 9th , 10th or 11th grade and take students from whenever they begin through college acceptances. This option allows for unlimited access to consulting services and regular appointments to ensure they stay on their wise path.